Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Proof that Windows is based on Garbage

"The best way to prepare [to be a programmer] is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and fished out listings of their operating system." - Bill Gates

All jokes aside, dumpster diving can yield some pretty interesting stuff. Also, the real point of the quote is one that bears careful thought.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dear Middle-Aged Blonde in a Red Minivan

I feel like all I complain about about is drivers here. At least recently. So here's the latest. I'm pretty used to being forced off the road onto the sidewalk or shoulder by drivers. It's not too bad, really, nor is it really dangerous. The worst that's gonna happen is a nasty case of road rash, maybe a broken bone or concussion.

However, being forced into the ONCOMING traffic lane is entirely different. So, here's what happened. I pulled up to a stop sign, and this red minivan pulls up beside me. I was forced into a kind of rolling stop, because otherwise I felt there was a high chance that she was going to cut me off, causing an accident. So anyway, I turn right, signal that I'm going to be turning left and move to the left hand side of the the turning lane. (Now, I'm not sure if that's what's legally required to happen, but I find that it's usually the safest thing to do.) Anyway, this same lady pulls up beside me, effectively passing me on the right, and signals that she's going to turn left. Now, she pulls up so close that a) I'm able to yell at her to watch out, and more importantly b) that there's less than a foot between the yellow line and the side of her van. Now, for anyone who hasn't biked recently, there's about 8-10 inches on either side of the main axis of the bike in width. Allowing for about 4 inches for me to not hit her, you can see that I'm now forced nearly completely into the oncoming lane, as she begins her turn, cutting me off with only a couple feet clearance in front of me.

So let's recap:
1) She forced me to do something illegal to avoid an accident.
2) She passed me on the right hand side.
3) She forced me into the oncoming lane.
4) She cut me off.

So anyway:
Dear Middle-Aged Blonde in a Minivan,
Wherever you were heading to in a rush was NOT worth my life, so please go to the nearest garbage can and toss in your license, because you are a menace on the road.

The person you could have killed today.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Disrespecful Drivers

I don't often get so angry that I start to shake.

I am right now.

We all know the biking on the road can be hazardous. Even when one follows all the laws, regulations and recommendations, it's still dangerous. More dangerous, I would argue, than a motorcycle, because people at least seem to respect motorcyclists. Now, I could rant for days about the close calls I've had by cars, trucks, busses, etc. driving by so closely that I could touch them. But that's just part of life as an urban cyclist. I'd like to point out that I do attempt to follow every traffic law, both for cyclists and for motor vehicles. On occaision, I have to make a decision to not do so. I do this when following the law would be actually more dangerous than not doing so.

What isn't part of the standard fare is what I just faced. Here's the situation. I'm biking down a side street of town (which I pick so I can avoid several heavy intersections, avoiding extra risk to both myself and other drivers). I see up ahead a small hatchback pulling an illegal U-turn in the middle of the street. So, I slow (as I would in a car) to let this person do his thing. However, he botches it, ending up half in a driveway, completely blocking my lane, and halfway block the other lane. Now, I realize would be a good time to point out that illegal U-turns shoud really be reserved for european cars that can actually pull it off without it becoming a 3-4 point turn. However, that's beside the point.

Anyway, I pull to a stop, giving the guy plenty of room, and wave him on. He just sits and stares at me. I wait, and then decide to do something I know is illegal, and pull onto the sidewalk so I can get around him (as opposed to cutting behind him to stay on the street, and chancing him backing over me). As I'm trying to get around him, I notice that he has succesfully finished his turn (drive, Forrest! Drive!), has reached over (as he's driving, and keeping pace with me so I can't get back on the road), unrolled his window (it's a old-style manual crank window) and is yelling at me. He's yelling at me to "Learn some fucking manners, you little punk!"

Lets revisit the situation. He broke the law, forcing me off the road. He didn't even break the law effectually. And now he's preventing me from rejoining the traffic flow, all the while yelling and cursing and insulting me. Repeatedly. I fail to see my mistake in all this, or how I've shown him anything but tolerance and courtesy. Fortunately, he turned opposite directions at the stop sign - frankly, though, I'm not surprised that he didn't chase me down.

Oh well. He probably just failed an exam. On the other hand, maybe I really am a punk and need to learn some manners. In which case, I invite you to paraphrase the end of my Atheism post: Go ahead and hate me. Girls like a punk, someone who has no manners, someone who's considered dangerous, on the edge. Sweet.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Milton Friedman Choir


Wow. That's all that needs said.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

New Photos

Originally uploaded by LeanderQ.
Alrighty, I finally developed another roll of photos. Here are the best. Give me comments and criticism!


Friday, March 24, 2006

Atheist: Menace to Society?

The Minnesota Daily has an interesting read this morning. Apparently, atheists are the most hated group in America. Ok, now that that's over, honestly, why would one hate atheists as a group?

We don't worship false gods - unless you call 'reason' a god - which is what a theist is really required to consider gods of other religions. We don't have crusades, jihads, anything like that - hell, has there ever even been some sort of atheist movement to stamp out a religion or two? We're interested in making our world better - probably more interested than any theist could be because this world is all we've got, there ain't nothin' comin' that's better.

And you know what, most of us would be easy converts: prove to us that there is a god, that some part of our world requires the existence of a deity, and we'll be right there with you.

Ok, now i'll get off my high horse, err, invisible pink unicorn.

On the other hand, one more comment: go ahead and hate us. Girls like a bad boy, someone who is counter-culture, someone who's considered dangerous, on the edge. Sweet.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by LeanderQ.
What can I say? I've taken up photography as a hobby. Not digital photography, but old-school manual SLR photography. I just got back my first set of prints today, so I'm pimpping out the good ones!