Atheist: Menace to Society?
The Minnesota Daily has an interesting read this morning. Apparently, atheists are the most hated group in America.
We don't worship false gods - unless you call 'reason' a god - which is what a theist is really required to consider gods of other religions. We don't have crusades, jihads, anything like that - hell, has there ever even been some sort of atheist movement to stamp out a religion or two? We're interested in making our world better - probably more interested than any theist could be because this world is all we've got, there ain't nothin' comin' that's better.
And you know what, most of us would be easy converts: prove to us that there is a god, that some part of our world requires the existence of a deity, and we'll be right there with you.
Ok, now i'll get off my high horse, err, invisible pink unicorn.
On the other hand, one more comment: go ahead and hate us. Girls like a bad boy, someone who is counter-culture, someone who's considered dangerous, on the edge. Sweet.
Alright. I am tired so it is possible none of the following is going to make sense. But... It is my due responsibility as the music-snob sister to bitch. Plus I am allowed to, as a fellow athiest. Now I have not read said article of interest, I am merely responding to the above article by Leander. First item at hand: I agree entirely with the statement that "we" do not cause any religious wars or massacres or anything; this is a fact. There's nothing to dispute. But, "we" do cause a problem, partly because of the "we" itself. "We" tend to define ourselves as the only group who can "see reason", thinking the rest of the world are delusional persons who can't grip reality and will kill people for what they stand for and believe in. The problem is that there is "us" and "them". This applies to all people. Once we've realized that we ARE ALL PEOPLE, maybe we can get somewhere. And the blame for that problem falls to all. Now, nobody wants to have someone else believe they are a hypnotized lemming following a mass dilusion... Our own vanity forces our interest in other people's opinions... So all I'm sayin' is athiests are as much a part of the problem as are the persons of faith. I don't have a solution, except this "we" or "us and them" thing has got to stop. BTW, unicorns are white. They are a symbol of purity. Look it up in the Old Testament.
I just thought I'd mention that when I say "Jihad," I mean what's generally considered to be "The Lesser Jihad," not the battle against oneself.
oh, and the unicorn head in my living room is pink. so there. (it lost its ability to be invisible when it died, since the invisibility is an ability, not an intrinsic attribute)
UNIFORN??? PINK UNICORN? I love my little pony cuteness unicorn?? That's hot.
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