Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dear Middle-Aged Blonde in a Red Minivan

I feel like all I complain about about is drivers here. At least recently. So here's the latest. I'm pretty used to being forced off the road onto the sidewalk or shoulder by drivers. It's not too bad, really, nor is it really dangerous. The worst that's gonna happen is a nasty case of road rash, maybe a broken bone or concussion.

However, being forced into the ONCOMING traffic lane is entirely different. So, here's what happened. I pulled up to a stop sign, and this red minivan pulls up beside me. I was forced into a kind of rolling stop, because otherwise I felt there was a high chance that she was going to cut me off, causing an accident. So anyway, I turn right, signal that I'm going to be turning left and move to the left hand side of the the turning lane. (Now, I'm not sure if that's what's legally required to happen, but I find that it's usually the safest thing to do.) Anyway, this same lady pulls up beside me, effectively passing me on the right, and signals that she's going to turn left. Now, she pulls up so close that a) I'm able to yell at her to watch out, and more importantly b) that there's less than a foot between the yellow line and the side of her van. Now, for anyone who hasn't biked recently, there's about 8-10 inches on either side of the main axis of the bike in width. Allowing for about 4 inches for me to not hit her, you can see that I'm now forced nearly completely into the oncoming lane, as she begins her turn, cutting me off with only a couple feet clearance in front of me.

So let's recap:
1) She forced me to do something illegal to avoid an accident.
2) She passed me on the right hand side.
3) She forced me into the oncoming lane.
4) She cut me off.

So anyway:
Dear Middle-Aged Blonde in a Minivan,
Wherever you were heading to in a rush was NOT worth my life, so please go to the nearest garbage can and toss in your license, because you are a menace on the road.

The person you could have killed today.


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