Friday, March 18, 2005

Actions, not just words

In reference to my previous post, below, and in the (possibly vain) hope that anyone else will follow my lead, I am posting here my letter to the President of the Federation of Students.

Mdm. President,
I am writing today to express my extreme disappointment in the resolution taken by the FEDS Council on Sunday. I believe strongly that, with your constituency so clearly divided, that support of either side of the debate is in poor taste. If FEDS Council shows partiality in this debate, how can I expect a fair, unbiased and representative decision on any other topic? Furthermore, I applaud Mr. Wheatley for his resignation and for his stand on proper governance.

I hope that FEDS Council will show more wisdom in the future.


Leander Quiring
[email address omitted]

Biased FEDS

The campus is divided in debate about the future of WPIRG. However, apparently the major representative body on campus is not, at least not any more. In a blatantly stupid move, this past Sunday, the Federation of Students passed a motion to support WPIRG on technical grounds, after they couldn't pass a motion to support WPIRG on ideological grounds.

Am I the only one that see this is stupid? Clearly not, because a math co-op councillor resigned on the spot. Even if he wasn't my friend, I would support him in this decision. Frankly, I would prefer him on the council to try to balance the leftist tendencies that are prominent and perpetual there. But, I applaud his decision to hold such a strong stance.

Whether or not you support WPIRG, I think we can all agree that on a divided topic, government should remain impartial until the issue is resolved. Please, write to them, and tell them this.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I'll be with Jesus in Heaven

We're all so politically correct, we're all so tolerant, we're all so full of ourselves.

Yesterday on the news stands, I saw the headline "I'll be with Jesus in Heaven." I didn't read the article, but I understand that it was a quote from one of the four RCMP officers who recently died in a drug raid gone bad. Now I have no real problems with plastering his quote across the nation's newspapers, however I had to ask myself some questions.

If the officer had said "I'll be with Allah in Heaven" or "In my next life, I still want to be a police officer," would it have made an above-the-fold headline? Or would it just be "First fallen officer's funeral held?"

Looking a little deeper: yeah, we're "tolerant" of all sorts of religions in Canada. Despite the fact that they're non-christian. Listen to that: non-christian. By default, even that little phrase is showing our nation's Christo-centrism. Is this right? No. Were we truly tolerant, truly equal, we wouldn't have Islamic sensitivity classes at our universities and primary schools. We wouldn't have "Black History Month" or whatever it was called, nor would we have gay pride parades. Remember, the pride in being associated with a group is, in fact, discrimination against those who are not in it.

Someone, please convince me I'm wrong, that I'm seeing spectres.