Atheist: Menace to Society?
The Minnesota Daily has an interesting read this morning. Apparently, atheists are the most hated group in America.
We don't worship false gods - unless you call 'reason' a god - which is what a theist is really required to consider gods of other religions. We don't have crusades, jihads, anything like that - hell, has there ever even been some sort of atheist movement to stamp out a religion or two? We're interested in making our world better - probably more interested than any theist could be because this world is all we've got, there ain't nothin' comin' that's better.
And you know what, most of us would be easy converts: prove to us that there is a god, that some part of our world requires the existence of a deity, and we'll be right there with you.
Ok, now i'll get off my high horse, err, invisible pink unicorn.
On the other hand, one more comment: go ahead and hate us. Girls like a bad boy, someone who is counter-culture, someone who's considered dangerous, on the edge. Sweet.